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Managing Stress

There’s a common phrase, nothing is more certain than death and taxes! Yesterday, April 15th, was tax day here in the US- a day that many of us find stressful. In most cases, tax season takes a more obvious toll on the human psyche than almost anything we confront on a yearly basis. The mere understanding of this might be the key to minimizing or even avoiding that ever present anxiety that cripples us every spring.

Regardless of your political stance of taxes- and trust us, we aren’t interested in starting THAT conversation– we are interested in the way people manage the stress that comes along with the season. Due to our thinking and behavioral preferences, each person probably approaches the situation a little but differently.

For The Analytical mind – It’s all about the numbers… How much do I owe (or the government owe me)? Does the math work? Can I make sense of my obligation?

For The Structural mind – With a few simple preparations on the front end, the process can be predictable and practical. There is likely a concern over new deductions or ensuring they remain within the established guidelines.

For The Social Mind – Who can I call to discuss or ask for an expert opinion? Are there others who I can learn from? Does someone else feel like I do? Who else is impacted by the process?

The Conceptual Mind – How are my finances going to affect my future? What are my options? How does this impact the big picture of my financial stability?

When it comes to our behaviors, interestingly our Assertiveness levels are the most significantly impacted by stress.

Regardless of your Preferences though, dealing with stress is a universal experience. Here’s 10 tips to help with the process:

  1. Figure out where the stress is coming from – By getting specific and pinpointing the stressors in your life, you’re one step closer to getting organized and taking action
  2. Consider what you can control—and work on that – The worst thing for stress is trying to take control over uncontrollable things
  3. Do what you love – It’s so much easier to manage pockets of stress when the rest of your life is filled with activities you love
  4. Manage your time well – Time management is often a major cause of stress, both personally and with others.
  5. Share your feelings with others – Vent and gather advocacy against what is stressful to you
  6. Eat well and Exercise – Many studies, including the one we highlight in our Meeting of the Minds workshops, link a healthy diet and regular exercise to optimum brain function and our ability to handle stress.
  7. Leave yourself somewhat vulnerable – Consider all options to eliminate stress
  8. Preserve good boundaries – Know your limitations and how far you are willing to bend
  9. Realize there’s a difference between worrying and caring
  10. Embrace mistakes— or at least don’t drown in perfectionism